Mia Milanová

Mia Milanová

For years, I've been writing about anime & digital marketing, fusing my academic background (psychology) with my love for writing and anime (200+ shows devoured!). At 9 Tailed Kitsune, I share my love for anime and create a space for fans to connect. ✨

Diabolik Lovers Popularity Ranking

Let’s be real, all the bishounen vampires from Diabolik Lovers are pretty darn cute, am I right? I mean, whether we’re talking about the Sakamaki or Mukami vampires, they all have that certain charm. But, have you ever wondered which…

Top 7 Dumbest Premises In Anime

We get a lot of anime with great premises, but do we ever talk about the dumbest premises you can stumble upon? With dumbest, I mean completely absurd and ridiculous premises that will make you 100% facepalm. What you thought…