Mia Milanová

Mia Milanová

For years, I've been writing about anime & digital marketing, fusing my academic background (psychology) with my love for writing and anime (200+ shows devoured!). At 9 Tailed Kitsune, I share my love for anime and create a space for fans to connect. ✨

10 Best Yuri Anime Worth Checking Out

Yuri, also known as Girls’ Love is a Japanese jargon term for explicit lesbian relationships in anime or manga. The genre was originally targeted toward girls, but there is a male-targeted branch as well.  Today, 9 Tailed Kitsune is joining forces with…

Fun Facts About Tsukasa Tsukuyomi

Tsukasa Tsukuyomi is the female protagonist of Tonikaku Kawaii (Fly Me to the Moon, Generally Cute). The anime is currently airing and I am more than pleased with its uniqueness (and rom-com atmosphere). I mean, imagine that your crush, who…

Kanojo, Okarishimasu Season 2 Confirmed

Both the official website and twitter for Kanojo, Okarishimasu (Rent-a-Girlfriend) have announced wonderful news – the anime is getting Season 2! TVアニメ #彼女お借りします✨✨第2期制作決定‼️✨✨ いつも応援ありがとうございます!#雨宮天 さん、#悠木碧 さん、#東山奈央 さん、#高橋李依 さんによる録り下ろしボイスと共に、千鶴、麻美、瑠夏、墨が描かれた『2期決定記念イラスト』を公開! 続報をお楽しみに! pic.twitter.com/a3NZImvoHA — 「彼女、お借りします」TVアニメ公式 (@kanokari_anime) September 25, 2020 Kanojo, Okarishimasu is one…