Top 15 Original Quotes From Toaru Kagaku No Railgun

Toaru Kagaku no Railgun and the whole Toaru universe are so underrated—this anime is awesome and has some of the most likable characters you will ever see in a show! If you are here for the most original quotes from Toaru Universe I have good news—I have gathered them for you along with the pictures to save on your Pinterest or phone!

The following Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Quotes are taken from the following characters:

  • Misaka Mikoto
  • Kamijou Touma
  • Accelerator
  • Kuroko Shirai
  • Kakike Teitoku
  • Shokuhou Misaki

Kamijou Touma Quotes (2)

1. “If I don’t want to follow her to the depths of hell, then I’ll just have to drag her out of hell!” — Kamijou Touma

2. “What why? Do I need a reason to save others?” — Kamijou Touma

Accelerator Quotes (4)

1. “AAH!~ Fuck, I admit it! I want to protect her! I don’t want to lose her! I don’t even want to think about the possibility of losing her!! I will face anything in order to protect this dream of mine!” — Accelerator

2. “Fine, now is a good time to teach you something: even villains have standards!” — Accelerator

3. “Just because I’ve gotten weaker, it doesn’t mean that you got stronger, right?” — Accelerator

4. “They may all look the same to you, but there are different kinds and different levels of evil. A first-class villain doesn’t target honest lives.” — Accelerator

Misaka Mikoto Quotes (4)

1. “You said you would defeat them. You said they were formless malice, but that they could still be defeated. Then keep going. Use me as a stepping stone and continue on. I’ll do anything if it’s for that!” — Misaka Mikoto

2. “Why not just try hard again? Quit mopping around. Stop lying to yourself and try once more.” — Misaka Mikoto

3. “I just don’t have any patience for people who would rather hurt others instead of facing their own reality.” — Misaka Mikoto

4. “Someone places a hurdle in front of me, and I can’t rest until I have jumped over it.” — Misaka Mikoto

Kakine Teitoku Quotes (2)

1. “Are you making fun of me? Cause it sounds to me like you want to become a nice corpse.” — Kakine Teitoku

2. “So you weighed your pride against your death. That’s sentimental but not realistic.” — Kakine Teitoku

Shokuhou Misaki Quotes (2)

1. “You are weak, from the moment you could only use your life as an excuse for committing crimes, you insulted that very life. You didn’t notice, you were afraid of noticing, and you went around destroying everything that could make you notice, but you have also crushed your ability to ever gather respect. Even if you managed to reach the position of Level 5.” — Shokuhou Misaki

2. “He is my hero. I don’t care how others see him. He can be someone else’s hero too. The authenticity of his righteousness doesn’t matter. But none of that changes his ability to be my personal hero. So he will come. Even if he has forgotten everything and even if someone else is smiling by his side, just this once, it’s my turn.” — Shokuhou Misaki

Shirai Kuroko Quotes (1)

1. “Wishing won’t do any good. This is going to take work.” — Shirai Kuroko

What are your favorite Toaru quotes? Let me know if I missed something!

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Mia Milanová
Mia Milanová

For years, I've been writing about anime & digital marketing, fusing my academic background (psychology) with my love for writing and anime (200+ shows devoured!). At 9 Tailed Kitsune, I share my love for anime and create a space for fans to connect. ✨

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