My 2020 Blog Resolutions & Appreciation Post

Y’all know how it goes. Everyone has already posted their 2020 resolutions, but yeah, Mia is late. I am sorry!

Warning: This post is severely disorganized. I live in chaos.

This is so much like me
Thank you!

First of all, I am very thankful for the people I have met and discovered thanks to WordPress’ ani blogging community. I never thought that the ani blogging community is so welcoming, nice, and supportive. It encourages me to improve myself and I gain tons of inspiration reading your blogs. I gained 28 followers within a few days and could not be grateful enough! It means a lot to me. 

I found many amazing people among anibloggers, who are always helpful and up for conversation – I truly didn’t expect that. To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect when I moved my blog from Blogspot to WordPress one month ago, but here we go. It escalated truly quickly! Thank you, everyone.

Mia being happy (uwu)

I have learned, discovered, and studied more than ever before when it comes to blogging stuff, ranging from creating my own domain, site, and of course, blogging schedule. I had never been regular with my blogging before I moved to WordPress, and my posts were low-effort most of the time.

I used to be very lazy and had no niché defined for most of the time; things have started changing past months thanks to my self-study of SEO and unexpected boost in traffic due to anime focus + improved SEO on my blog.

Now I am sticking to a daily schedule with thoughtful content.

Trying to study >.<
Blog Resolutions for 2020

I decided to take a critical look at my site and write down some blog resolutions because I want to get serious with blogging – I have been consistently blogging every day for more than 30 days (and I am proud of that).

Me feeling fab
  1. I want to keep up the pace – I’ll be posting daily either one or two posts,
  2. I really want to improve my English – I am not native and this is a big barrier because I can’t express what I mean in the way I want,
  3. I will try to post a lot of “find a similar anime” posts because I feel like I am good at it and I think it’s the strongest core of my blog,
  4. I shall discover more admirable anibloggers,
  5. I want to post more original quotes, reviews, and content in general.

I hope I didn’t bore you to death!

Share your love ♡
Mia Milanová
Mia Milanová

For years, I've been writing about anime & digital marketing, fusing my academic background (psychology) with my love for writing and anime (200+ shows devoured!). At 9 Tailed Kitsune, I share my love for anime and create a space for fans to connect. ✨

Articles: 435


  1. Congrats on the following increase!!!. I’m glad to have met you Mia :D. Don’t worry about your English, it’s good!!. Even if you make mistakes, I’ll know what you mean. Sounds like a plan!! posting a consistent basis, good luck too.

  2. For someone who isn’t a native English speaker, you have a great way with words. There’s a relaxed humor about your posts. I’m sure it will only get better. Keep it up! (but don’t burn yourself out).

  3. You’re English is far better than any of my second languages. I certainly couldn’t write a post in one. Good luck with your goals. It’s good to step back and make a plan to move things forward.

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