12 Best Anime Characters With Names That Start With the Letter K

Let’s dive into the world of anime and check out some of the most well-known characters whose names start with the letter K! Various anime characters, including popular ones like…
Let’s dive into the world of anime and check out some of the most well-known characters whose names start with the letter K! Various anime characters, including popular ones like…
It’s no secret that school-themed anime is one of the most popular genres in the medium, with a level of popularity comparable to other popular genres such as shounen, slice…
Shoujo anime is one of the most popular genres—it may not be as well-known as shounen, but it contains numerous masterpieces worth streaming. What does shoujo exactly mean? In order…
Finding well-balanced single parents in anime can be a bit of a roller-coaster ride. There are characters like Dalia Ketchum, who have no problem with setting their ten-year-old out into…
Everyone likes to see a kind and forgiving hero with empathetic qualities. As we see these kind and idyllic anime characters who save and help most people they run into,…
Isekai and harem, name a better duo. While there are hundreds of isekai shows to choose from, almost every one of them falls into the harem category or at least…
There are plenty of isekai manga in the sea. However, looking for a good isekai manga that also has a leveling system implemented might complicate things a little bit. Don’t…
With so many isekai anime shows airing each year, there is a lot to pick from. But what if you want to narrow it down to the isekai series that…
Anime girls who have brown hair and brown eyes are one of my favorite color combinations. It looks natural and clean and I can’t help but like it. What helps…