I love tags and games, so it always makes my day when I am nominated for some fun tag! These tag posts are very chill and laid-back as compared to the normally structured articles I always prepare, so it feels like a nice breeze.
The rules
- Say thanks to those who nominated you and leave a link back to that person’s blog.
- Give the story or history of your blog.
- Give two or more pieces of advice for new bloggers.
- Nominate 10 other bloggers and link their blogs.
Thank you!

First of all, I want to thank Irina from Drunken Anime for nominating me. You were among the first blogs I discovered in the ani blogging community and your posts inspire me a lot.
Also, I discovered a wonderful way how to make my anime avatar thanks to Irina’s post.
The history of my blog

I actually made a post about it y-day, but TLDR: I had used to write very inconsistently on Blogspot (about a lot of stuff, not just anime), but then I stuck to a tighter schedule and started ranking high on Google with certain anime posts and so I decided it’s time to change the niche, get a new dress for my blog (WordPress) and start being serious about anime blogging.
Also, I love anime (a lot) and want to be helpful to the whole anime community. This way I can also write in English – improving my writing and also English, so the holy triad is love for anime + writing + English.
Give two or more pieces of advice for new bloggers

- Look up stuff about SEO,
- Interact with other anibloggers,
- Make posts about things you like,
- Get a good hosting service if you want your own domain,
- Don’t get too obsessed about checking other anime blogs and how they do things – you are a unique person with a unique style.
Nomination part

So the victims of this tag (don’t feel forced to do the tag though) are going to be:
- Emiko from emikothewriter
- Fiddletwix
- Mallow from Solitarycubbyhole
- Crow from Crow’s world of anime
- Al’s Manga Blog
- Inskime
- Ashley from The Review Heap
- Scott from Mechanical Anime Reviews
- Blerdyotome
- Mariendeato
That’s some solid advice and thanks for the tag! I’ll try to get to it in the next few days.
Thanks for the tag! I’ll create a post about this soon. ?
I noticed that I don’t get any ping notification if someone linked to the homepage of my blog, but I get pings if pages and/or posts get linked. I suggest you also try linking the About page or anything similar (instead of the homepage) to blogs you will tag so that they’ll get the notification. That’s just my guess though. 🙂
I actually didn’t link to any homepage ( I always chose a post… you are making me insecure I am so confused… what? 😀 )
Oh sorry about that. It could be my wordpress acting up. 🙁
lol no worries but I actually got insecure that I linked on accident to homepage I know it does not show pingbacks if you don’t link to a post/page 😀
Thank you for the tag and very practical blogging advice!!
Thank you for the tag! I’ll be sure to get to this soon 😀
Thanks for the tag!
And I loved your advice.
Wow, you really gt to this quick! Awesome post thank you so much for answering. I really like advice n.5. It’s so true and we forget it all the time.
Pleasure was mine! 🙂
Congratulations! And I love your icon
Congratulations on the award! You gave some really great advice. And thank you so much for the nomination! 😀