10 Anime Similar to High-Rise Invasion
High-Rise Invasion is a Japanese original net animation series by Zero-G based on the manga series written by Tsuina Miura & illustrated by Takahiro Oba. A high school student gets transported into…
High-Rise Invasion is a Japanese original net animation series by Zero-G based on the manga series written by Tsuina Miura & illustrated by Takahiro Oba. A high school student gets transported into…
Summer officially begins on 21 June this year, and will surely bring us more sun and some discounted ice cream too (maybe). With how vaccination is going, it might be…
Kemono Jihen is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Shō Aimoto. An anime TV series adaptation produced by Ajia-do Animation Works premiered in January 2021. A detective who specializes in the occult is…
Spring officially begins on March 20, bringing us extra hours of daylight & blooming flowers to enjoy. While outdoor activities might be limited due to coronavirus, this is no problem…
Finding the best manga to read can be confusing. After all, there are so many of them! This is my very first manga topic on 9 Tailed Kitsune and I…
Guest Post by Joshua Sharp. Joshua is a professional writer and blogger from Oxford, working as a journalist and writer for a reputed coursework writing service. He is a digital nomad…
It isn’t only Hollywood that’s known for beautiful and thought-provoking animated movies. Every year, the anime industry releases various titles for us to enjoy. From action-packed shounen to hilarious comedies,…
As the holiday season draws near, there is no better way to get into the holiday spirit than watching a festive anime film or episode. Slice of life, supernatural or…
It’s December which means that the end of 2020 is near. Personally speaking, if I want to feel better I just check what anime will air next season, or next…