Mia Milanová

Mia Milanová

For years, I've been writing about anime & digital marketing, fusing my academic background (psychology) with my love for writing and anime (200+ shows devoured!). At 9 Tailed Kitsune, I share my love for anime and create a space for fans to connect. ✨

Top 20 Anime About Video Games

Video games and anime have a lot in common. Both can be enjoyed as solo activities but you can also savor them with your friends, so they are highly versatile. But in general, they are both mostly indoor introverted activities.…

Top 10 Anime Characters Whose Names Start With I

In this article, we will together learn about the most popular anime characters whose names start with the letter I. Various anime characters, including well-known ones like Itachi Uchiha, Itsuki Nakano, and Ichigo, were incorporated into the list. They serve…