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Worst of… Anime Awards

Chargeman Ken! may have the distinction of being the first bad anime. For the uninitiated, this is a tale of a young boy living in the future. His claim to…

10 Horror Anime for Halloween  

This is that time of year when everyone inundates our feeds with their version of their favorite scary anime lists. Largely, these lists include the same reordered anime from over…

Webtoon Review: Tower of God

Introduction Sometimes you know what you wanna write. The words come to you naturally. And sometimes you have no idea where you are going. This is one of those times…

Top 10 Favored Mecha-Girls in Anime

The mecha genre is a staple of anime. Astro Boy, Gundam Wing, and Neon Genesis Evangelion are hallmarks. Within this vast universe, there are many sub-genres. Into the breach, anime…

Top 10 Sword-Fighting Anime to Watch

Sword-fighting anime feature thrilling scenes of skilled swordsmen and swordswomen engaged in epic duels and battles. The blend of martial arts, supernatural powers, and expert blade work makes sword fighting…