9 Tailed Kitsune’s purpose is to entertain and provide useful information for anime fans all around the world.
I love to contribute to the anime community by sharing helpful information about the topics I am passionate about, plus I really appreciate the whole anime community, whether it’s anime fans, bloggers, or YouTubers, so this is a perfect opportunity for self-realization and interaction.
There is no better way to express my love for anime than to write about it! 🙂
This blog focuses mainly on:
- similar anime recommendations
- upcoming anime lists
- top lists (any anime topic)
- thoughts about hot anime topics
- anime quotes
- anime reviews
- anime tags
- anime facts
You won’t be bored here, I promise! Don’t be shy to leave a comment or two while passing by. 😉
If you would like to send me a message, please shoot it at info@9tailedkitsune.com
9 Tailed Kitsune’s Anime Avatar was provided by QTOINORI.